aqua WorkersLib declares * import PeerId from "./builtin.aqua" -- Available only on rust peers service Worker("worker"): -- Creates new worker associated with `deal_id`. -- Throws an error if worker exists. create(deal_id: string) -> PeerId -- Returns worker peer id associated with `deal_id`. -- Returns nil if worker doesn't exist. get_worker_id(deal_id: string) -> ?PeerId -- Removes worker with all deployed spells and services. -- Throws an error if worker doesn't exist. -- Worker can be removed only by worker creator or worker itself. remove(worker_id: PeerId) -- Returns list of all workers. list() -> []PeerId -- Restarts worker installation spell. -- Can be called only by system spells or peer manager, -- Throws an error if worker doesn't exist. activate(deal_id: string) -- Stops all worker spells and drops all incoming particles until activation. -- Can be called only by system spells or peer manager, -- Throws an error if worker doesn't exist. deactivate(deal_id: string) -- Returns true if worker is active. -- Throws an error if worker doesn't exist. is_active(deal_id: string) -> bool