# Aqua IPFS bindings [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@fluencelabs/aqua-ipfs)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@fluencelabs/aqua-ipfs) Aqua-ipfs is a native [IPFS](https://ipfs.tech/) integration to [Aqua](https://fluence.dev/docs/aqua-book/introduction) language. It lets one call the API of an IPFS daemon, e.g., to transfer files between peers & services or to orchestrate IPFS nodes. ## Quick Installation and Usage First, make sure you have [Fluence CLI](https://github.com/fluencelabs/fluence-cli) installed. After this, installation is as simple as: ``` fluence dep npm i @fluencelabs/aqua-ipfs ``` Next, run: ``` import "@fluencelabs/aqua-ipfs/ipfs-api.aqua" import "@fluencelabs/aqua-lib/builtin.aqua" const PERIOD_SEC = 10 func install_scheduled_script_from_ipfs_to_peer(from: PeerId, to: PeerId, cid: string) -> ?string: script_id: ?string ipfs_maddr <- get_external_api_multiaddr(from) if ipfs_maddr.success: get <- get_from(to, cid, ipfs_maddr.multiaddr) if get.success: script_id <- Script.add_from_vault(get.path, ?[PERIOD_SEC]) <- script_id ``` To run it in Marine REPL (mrepl), one needs to install `mrepl` via `cargo install mrepl` first. After that: ``` cd service mrepl new Config.toml call ipfs_pure set_local_api_multiaddr ["/ip4/"] call ipfs_pure set_external_api_multiaddr ["/ip4/"] call ipfs_pure get_from ["QmfBRabun4FpaHV4wVXtnqtopUTro93XJHiWhNZscViCaq", "/ip4/"] ``` You can use `interface` and `help` inside `mrepl` to further discover what's possible. A simple example of using `aqua-ipfs` in TypeScript is available [here](./example/index.ts). ## Documentation Comprehensive documentation including API and usage examples can be found in [Aqua Book](https://fluence.dev/docs/aqua-book/libraries/aqua-ipfs). ## Repository Structure - [**aqua**](./aqua) is Aqua API of Aqua-ipfs. See its [README](./aqua/README.md) for details. - [**builtin-package**](./builtin-package) Files necessary to use Aqua-ipfs on peers - [**example**](./example) A simple example of how to use IPFS adapter from TypeScript - [**local-network**](./local-network) contains Docker Compose YAML config to run a local Fluence network of 3 nodes - [**service**](./service) contains Rust service that implements all IPFS calls by using `ipfs` CLI mounted binary ## Support Please, file an [issue](https://github.com/fluencelabs/aqua-ipfs/issues) if you find a bug. You can also contact us at [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/5qSnPZKh7u) or [Telegram](https://t.me/fluence_project). We will do our best to resolve the issue ASAP. ## Contributing Any interested person is welcome to contribute to the project. Please, make sure you read and follow some basic [rules](./CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License All software code is copyright (c) Fluence Labs, Inc. under the [Apache-2.0](./LICENSE) license.